Monday, July 31, 2006

To Be Admired: Baby Breakdancer

Here is another one i like: Best Baby Breakdancer in the World. It seems like a 2 year old kid and he can do things i can force myself to try :-). Someone commented about how many times this kid messed things up and hurt himself until he was able to do it. But it seemed quite happy in the video so I guess it wasn't that bad.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

To be admired: Guitar player

I was thinking a while ago to start a set of postings about people who deserve admiration (from my point of view). The number one criteria used to decide who will get a posting and who won't is the level of excitement created in myself while I read/hear/see/listen the guy/girl's work. This doesn't happen too often so it should be a faily slow stream of posting but I really hope to make it worthwhile.

This will be the first one. Is the first time i see someone playing the guitar this way. If he is the first to do it then "my hat off to him". If it isn't he is still interesting to me because is the first one i saw doing it and doing it decent :-). Here it is: A talented guy (from a romanian news site).



Books I just finished reading:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Books I just finished reading:
Books i'm reading:
Books in the pipeline:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006

Upside down room

Found this via A Welsh View blog. This is hillarious and very well done. It looks like the logical evolution of the classical prank in which someone's room, cubicle, etc is covered completely in tin foil, paper or various other materials (see sample here: Project Foil) :-).

This one is even better: the whole room is redecorated upside down. Enjoy it here: Light Side Up Productions.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Elastic Tabs

I was just reading Joel Spolsky's column and today he gave this link. It's a nice idea for IDE's. Instead of tabs or spaces just use elastic tabs. Go check it out.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

GWT from Intellij IDEA

This is nice. I don't know if a month has passed yet since Google gave the world the GWT (Google Web Toolkit) and already there is already a plugin allowing you to use it from inside Intellij IDEA. And to make things more interesting it looks like the plugin is written by their marketing guy (Alex Tkachman .. see the blog entry here). I watched the demo and it looks like a very good integration. I can't hardly wait to play with it in the next EAP.

And people are curious of why I like this product :-).
