Sunday, January 30, 2005

Kitten helping the game.

Kitten helping the game.


Me and a couple of friends

Red eye/black eye. (Me and a couple of friends).


Fallen asleep.

Fallen asleep.


Sleepy kitten.

Sleepy kitten.


Acrobatic Kitten

Behold the Acrobatic kitten.


Monday, January 24, 2005

Empty pages.

Every time i have an empty page in front me it gives me a sensation of emptyness. Even if i had a whole lot of ideas to write about 5 minutes i saw the page as soon as i see it everything vanishes from the head. This is frustrating because if i don't write it down i tend to forget it shortly, the mind quickly find something else to chew on and it forgets everything that was before.

The only to address this would be to try to write then down. So i'm going to start this "blog" as an exercise to see if i can do it.